At the 2014 International Global Consumer and Electronics show in Las Vegas, the Global Consumer and Electronics show, a semi robot car has been unveiled. Developed by Volvo from Sweden and French company Valeo, the car can park itself, and could be widely available within six years.
Although the fully robotic car seems to be getting closer and closer, some say by the year 2020, not everyone is in favor.
For a start, the cost of technology is prohibitive at the moment, not only the cost of the radar system so that the car can see what it happening around it, but also the auto pilot technology. Both run into thousands of dollars.
Many people do agree that in the next decade there will be robot cars driving on their own on freeways and parking themselves, but they are not convinced that cars will be able to operate on their own, with no driver, in urban streets where there are pedestrians and cyclists. The major issue is who would be to blame if there were an accident?
And would the drivers actually want to put their car and their lives in charge of a robot? No one has yet been able to answer that question.
If you, or someone you know, have been injured or killed in a serious accident involving an automobile, call the Henderson accident attorneys of Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little at (702) 699-7500 right away or contact us online, for a free consultation.