Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little - 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 16th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89169

Nevada Anti-Texting Campaign Has a Long Road Adhead

Officials in Nevada are calling attention to cell phone use while driving and warning the public not to engage in this extremely dangerous activity.  In a recent article published in the Las Vegas Weekly, the author investigates how this hazard is affecting Nevada roads.

According to the article, Nevada instituted a law in 2012 which imposed a $50 to $250 dollar fine for cell phone use while driving. Enforcement efforts have resulted in citations which have jumped 67% in the last year.  This raises a question: Are authorities discouraging distracted driving by imposing the fines, or do people simply not care?  Are they so wedded to their technology that they will risk not only the fines, but also the well-being of themselves, their passengers, and others on the road, simply to engage in a conversation which can probably wait until later?

There have been numerous public campaigns aimed at putting an end to cell phone use by drivers.  One notable campaign was last year’s “It can wait” anti-texting-while-driving campaign by AT&T.  But the effectiveness of such campaigns is still unproven.

As we enter the month of April, which has been deemed National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we would like to remind drivers in Henderson to focus on the road while they drive, and to ask them to please not use their cell phones while operating a vehicle.

The Henderson accident attorneys of Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little are here to help. If you have been involved in a serious accident, call us at (702) 699-7500 right away or contact us online, for a free consultation.