Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little - 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 16th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89169

Let’s Put an End to Driving While Drowsy in Henderson

Over the years public safety officials have put a lot of effort into a warning the public of the dangers of drinking and driving.  And while people continue to drive under the influence, there has nevertheless been a marked reduction in number of DUI cases seen in Henderson, as compared to what would be expected if no public service campaigns had ever been launched.  But another driving hazard, driving while drowsy, has now becoming a serious issue, and warrants in its own aggressive public service campaign.

Driving while drowsy has been done by practically every motorist who has ever driven at night.  But, the prevalence of the practice does not mean it is safe.  In fact, many studies have concluded that driving while drowsy can be every bit as dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. And this does not only apply to operating automobiles. A recent train derailment was thought to have been caused by an operator who was operating the train while drowsy.

When driving on the roads, especially at night, if you feel yourself being overtaken by sleep it is better to pull over in a safe area than to continue driving and risk falling asleep and wheel.  Many people think that they can simply power through their drowsy spells, and that’s soon enough they’ll either regain full consciousness or arrive at their destinations.  But the truth is the risks are too great.  Driving while drowsy is not a matter of trying to will yourself through it.  Rather, it is a matter of engaging in risky behavior which is often unnecessary.


The Henderson accident attorneys of Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little are here to help. If you have been involved in a serious accident, call us at (702) 699-7500 right away or contact us online, for a free consultation.